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फोन्स.कॉम » Cell Phones » Motorola DROID PRO

Advancing up a step further in designing a smartphone with utilities for both professional and personal lives, Motorola has come up with the DROID PRO in a stick form factor. Including both a capacitive touch screen a QWERTY keyboard, the Android powered smartphone delivers its best with high-level corporate features including a 1Ghz processor, access to corporate calendar, and push email, QuickOffice Mobile Suite, Wi-Fi connectivity, 5MP camera with D1 video recording and Adobe Flash Player 10 support.
Motorola DROID PRO


Especially for the busy entrepreneurs, DROID PRO’s 1 GHz processor quickens multi-tasking applications. Wi-Fi connects you instantly to the world of internet and with corporate work directory, keeping up and rescheduling appointments is a matter of a fingertip.

Motorola DROID PRO


Choose the look of the DROID PRO from thousands of apps available on the Android Market. One touch on the large 3.1” display provides access to email, calendar and social networks. DLNA connectivity allows you to stream, share and view data on compatible devices around your home.

Motorola DROID PRO


Highest level of corporate security is assured on DROID PRO. The first Android device with data encryption, data on the phone and SD card is wiped out if stolen/lost. Moreover, Remote data management allows access to passwords on the go furthering security level.



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मूल्यांकन प्रणाली

स्टाइल: 9.1
टेक्नोलोजी: 9.1
कुशलता: 9.2

कुल वोट्स: 416 | हिट्स: 10608

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