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Nokia N81-8GB  
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You can use bluetooth to connect to GPS
1/6/2008 @ 11:21 बजे
Nokia 81 is truly a great handset, and is recommended to every Nokia [ Symbian Lover]. A Great device, in other way the Nokia N81 is a challenge to "Apple's iPOD or phone’s" sound quality.
Nokia 81 a Smart looking handset (well finished) with shiny metal body is a glossy product. The best thing which impressed me was the "Sound Quality" in Headphones. The sound quality of Nokia N81 seemed a bit better than that of Apple's iPhone.
The loudspeaker of Nokia N 81 - 8 GB surprisingly have the BEST Sound Quality. I can say that, when compared to Sony Ericsson's W810 (or some later models) the sound quality of Nokia N 81 seemed better than SE's handsets.
Sound Quality is the most surprising thing (at least for Nokia) since all previous handsets had Mediocre sound quality in Headphones and Poor quality in Loudspeaker. But this time Nokia has came up with really something above all. Great sound quality in Headphones as well as in Loudspeaker.
2MP camera is a mediocre. Not very good at quality (as expected), but however is reliable for taking outdoor images.

The speed of handset while browsing through the menu's is really very fast, just works as fast as any other DUMMY (without OS) handset like Sony Eriksson’s W or K series or Samsung's handsets (sorry for calling them DUMMY but they really are since they do not have any OS).

I would recommend Nokia N81-8GB edition to every Music lover, because of its outstanding SOUND QUALITY which place it on the top of the list of best music phones.

Also, the main feature of this handset attracts GAMES lovers (N-gage Platform) with high graphics, and the first time introduced "Navigation Wheel" is a great addition (with a Standby mode light).

I have been using apple's iPhone as well, but would prefer Nokia N81 over it due to its better sound quality.

Truly, a beautiful device for entertainment

12/7/2007 @ 12:56 बजे


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स्टाइल: 7.6
टेक्नोलोजी: 7.9
कुशलता: 7.8

कुल वोट्स: 35103 | हिट्स: 311734

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