Many times companies speculated on producing a one time only use cell phone. After digesting this idea, one company decided it will break the marked by introducing this rather odd phone. Mobile phones are in general created for a long-time use, not just a limited use time, furthermore they incorporate different services as email or web browsing, not to mention built-in camera and GPS.
Hop-on, an American mobile phone manufacturer, released a model with the most basic cell phone technology. It is called “The Graffiti” and can be used just for talking. It does not even have a display!
The idea behind this phone was to please people who don’t like carrying a cell phone all day long despite the fact that they become smaller and handier or who require the use of a cell phone just occasionally. As some of you may know, the Graffiti is already on U.S. markets and now it takes its steps in the Old Continent.
Hop-on says it already received a 10.000 phones order to be delivered in 60 days but they refused to give any details of the customer. In Eastern Europe the Graffiti can have a tremendous success since in these lands mobile phones sell exceptionally well.