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फोन्स.कॉम » समाचार » 530,907 phones were ...

530,907 phones were recycled! V.J. | , 5:48 बजे April 17, 2008 2008-04-17

In the first three months of this year, GRC Wireless Recycling have collected a total of 530,907 cell phones.

Last year in October, they have had a new factory opened which they say is the key factor for their success. “Our expansion in the South Florida markets reaffirms our longstanding belief that proximity to the Miami export market is key to our success. Latin America consumes over 75% of the cell phones recycled in the U.S., and Miami is the export center for Latin America,” stated Marc Leff. “Our geographic proximity to Miami, and familiarity with Latin American markets, culture, and business leaders, offers GRC a competitive advantage”, as cited from a recent GRC Wireless Recycling press release.

This company expects to recucle a total of no less than 2 million cell phones in 2008 and are now recycling mobile phones from different mobile phone industry pawns. It was founded in 2001 and not GRC Wireless Recycling has contributed over $5,500,000 to thousands of nonprofits that recycle cell phones with GRC.

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