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Registered: 08-01-2008
Messages: 91
मूल्यांकन: 14
13-06-2008 13:09
I have just started using HTC Touch DUAL and I am facing a very unusual problem with the device. My phone misses out the first call after it is brought back to general mode after sleep mode. Can anyone help me out?

Registered: 10-01-2008
Messages: 3
मूल्यांकन: 0
17-06-2008 11:12
I am using this phone since a long time and I did not come across such a weird problem… well it misses out the first call only?

Registered: 08-01-2008
Messages: 91
मूल्यांकन: 14
19-06-2008 12:44
Yeah! Though I put my phone out of its sleep in the morning and say I you call me up somewhere in the afternoon I will not get your call though you can hear the phone ringing at the other end.

Registered: 10-01-2008
Messages: 3
मूल्यांकन: 0
27-06-2008 09:54
try this out, after you put the phone in general mode just give a missed call from your house phone to your own mobile, you will have no problem for the whole day applause

Registered: 08-01-2008
Messages: 91
मूल्यांकन: 14
28-06-2008 09:48
Well thanks a lot but can anyone tell me the permanent solution for this thing? I mean why is it happening, and what is the solution for it???
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