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Registered: 14-08-2018
Messages: 236
मूल्यांकन: 4
01-07-2024 05:17
Amazon Music holds a reputable position within the streaming music domain, often ranking among the top choices for professionals in the music industry. It encompasses an extensive range of songs, albums, and podcast content across various genres, offering audio quality up to Ultra HD. For a DJ professional, it's challenging not to become a dedicated subscriber. However, a frustrating aspect is figuring out how to import playlists and albums from Amazon Music into Traktor DJ for editing purposes. This is a topic that we will indeed address next.
We will provide detailed steps on how to bridge the gap between Amazon Music and Traktor DJ, as well as expand effective plans on how to integrate music from other streaming platforms into Traktor DJ [bit.ly]. If you happen to have a few minutes to spare, then come and learn more.
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