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Registered: 05-07-2021
Messages: 175
मूल्यांकन: 6
21-09-2022 10:47
Hello, my fellow creators. I am having trouble and require the
assistance of my talented peers. Can someone please create an old photo
overlay that is transparent using this…

Registered: 19-07-2021
Messages: 27
मूल्यांकन: 0
21-09-2022 15:54
This can be done even on a smartphone. Find a simple app

Registered: 29-07-2021
Messages: 17
मूल्यांकन: 0
21-09-2022 16:03
Hello! I'm new here, and I was lucky to find exactly your topic. Can you tell me where I can find more templates like this? Ideally, I'd like to create something that looks like canvas poster printing [theframeroom.com]. Something bright, stylized antique or classic photo printing. I would be grateful if you could guide me on topics. Maybe somewhere on this site, there is a separate collection of all the resources that can be used, I just didn't search well...
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