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Registered: 05-07-2021
Messages: 175
मूल्यांकन: 6
11-04-2022 09:15
So I've spent the
majority of the last 2 years with an iphone. However I just recently got
back into android with the note 20 Ultra. My question is does anyone
here use apple music on their Android device? So far it's not so bad and
I really don't feel like moving all my stuff over to spotify. Thanks in
advance for everyone's help and thoughts.

Registered: 31-01-2022
Messages: 38
मूल्यांकन: 2
11-04-2022 10:43
Hi! Thank you for this topic, I have been looking for an answer and information about this for a long time.

Registered: 23-03-2022
Messages: 4
मूल्यांकन: 0
11-04-2022 11:00
I tried using Apple music. At first, as a novelty, it was interesting, but then I went back to Spotify. Because of convenience or out of habit, I don't know. Maybe because of both together. I'm generally an omnivorous musician and collect music from everywhere. Mp3 Convert [mp3-converter.mymp3.red] is a regular thing for me. I make playlists by genre and listen to them when I'm on the road, on a jog or out of town. So far, I use Android and don't even plan to switch to another kind of phone. And my sister prefers Apple music. She says she's more comfortable with the app. There are as many people as there are opinions.
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