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Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 55
मूल्यांकन: 3
04-04-2022 11:34
Open video filters or use YouTube Kids applications can reduce
inappropriate content for children when watching YouTube. You can
customize content you see in the YouTube Kids app by signing into the
app and blocking videos or channels you don’t want your child to watch.

YouTube is an amazing place to find interesting content. No matter what
your taste is, there is a channel for you on YouTube. However, more
often than not, YouTube can be unsafe for your children.To limit young
children from touching sensitive content, users can activate "Restricted

At this time, YouTube will "hide videos that may contain inappropriate
content flagged by users and other signs".When you log into YouTube
account then go to Settings on the left menu bar. Scrolling down the
page, see Restricted Mode. Enable this option and click Save to activate
the filter. .

On phones and tablets, users can apply YouTube Kids, a YouTube version
designed by Google specifically for children. The above content is more
carefully screened, optimized for young children with four cards:
Program, Music, Learning and Discovery.There are negative impacts on
children when using YouTube so it is important to importantly, always
follow the usage of smartphones and Internet of your children.

Registered: 29-03-2022
Messages: 2
मूल्यांकन: 0
05-04-2022 00:19
Really. Children are susceptible, and all kinds of YouTubers take advantage of this for personal gain. Be sure to check which channels your kid is watching.

Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 15
मूल्यांकन: 0
05-04-2022 00:24
The previous person said about YouToob Kids. I want to add a little more information. First of all, you should pay attention to how much time your child spends watching YouTube or other platforms. They should not be allowed to do more than their allotted time. It is so that your child doesn't ruin their vision and so that they always listen to you and see you as an authority figure. Children should not be allowed to underestimate you. But what is also important is that YouTube and similar places are means of propaganda, sometimes almost invisible to the average person. Children and teenagers do not know how to think for themselves and analyze the information they receive. They just absorb it like a sponge. It can cause them to misunderstand the world. It is up to you to teach your child everything. You cannot entrust such a demanding task to online platforms. I also recommend checking out fosterplus.org [fosterplus.org]. I have seen a similar question there before.
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