1. Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Apple has always been notorious for doing things their own way, right from building their own operating system to the distinctive styling of their phones. This is the company's first attempt at building a large phone, and although they are not breaking any new ground, it's a big deal for them. It feels as if they are trying to match up to the market requirements rather than innovating.

2. Samsung Galaxy S6 edge
There’s no one on this tech-savvy planet who could argue that 2014 was not a smashing year for Samsung mobiles. Their flagship Galaxy S5 fell flat on its face, and somewhat embarrassed its proud inventor. As if to redeem its lost glory, the company has gone all out and placed its bet on not one, but two Galaxy series phones - The Galaxy S6 and S6 edge. You can see a drastic change in the company’s approach towards overall design, use of materials and software functions. But does the most beautiful curved display of the Galaxy S6 edge justify the high price tag? Let’s find out in our review of the phone.
3. Samsung Galaxy S6
Samsung Galaxy S6 appears to be the brand's turning point. It continues the model numeration, but presents an entirely new body and designated features. This time, Samsung somehow disregarded competition's selling features. Samsung dropped waterproofing, diminished the microSD slot, replaceable battery, and the poor FM radio was axed as well as the speakers. In light of letting those go, we're introduced to a sleeker, shinier, and glossier body, made of metal and glass, as Samsung dabbles into the future with Galaxy S6.
4. Xiaomi Mi 4
Xiaomi's signature, more affordable offerings make their brand units high in demand. Add the sophisticated designs, which are comparable to Samsung's and Apple's, Xiaomi Mi 4 came at the perfect time to bring power smartphones to the next level, and to a broader audience bracket, price-wise.