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Registered: 15-02-2022
Messages: 24
मूल्यांकन: 0
15-02-2022 18:19
Tell me, is it possible to mix cabbidiol and alcohol?

Registered: 15-02-2022
Messages: 12
मूल्यांकन: 0
15-02-2022 18:21
You know, this question sounds kind of funny in truth. You don't mix alcohol and antibiotics, do you? In the same way, I think that you should do the same with cannabis products - if you are focused on recovery, then you should not ask the question can you mix cbd and alcohol . Better not to combine, of course. You are concerned about your health, not the other way around. And alcohol certainly does not contribute to the tasks of increasing immunity, rather the opposite. Therefore, be careful.
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