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Registered: 23-10-2021
Messages: 7
मूल्यांकन: 0
24-11-2021 08:18
I have a flat roof carport with a metal drain pipe that is 2 3/4" and I
need to attach 3" PVC piping to and I can't find the proper sized
coupling for it. Is the coupling the thing I need or is there another

Registered: 05-07-2021
Messages: 175
मूल्यांकन: 6
25-11-2021 08:15
It depends on a lot of conditions. First, I should know what kind of metal is there. There are plenty of decisions you can make but they are different only because of the type of metal. I also had such problem, but my drain pipe was stainless and that was really complicated to do it. But first I had a consultation, my uncle knows what to do. I can't ask him now, so try to search information. BTW, I bought one of my carports, two years ago, I like it the most, I bought it at carport Sydney [carportaustralia.com.au], so try to ask them.
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